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Faith Has A Fight


"Fight the good fight of faith."

1 Timothy 6:12 - NKJV


I've never received anything by faith without it first being seriously challenged. I've had to fight a good fight for my faith as the devil has come against it. I've had to resist his assault and fortify my faith by hearing more of the Word of God that gave me that faith in the first place.


Faith is the sole basis of all claims on anything God has provided. This is why the devil fights it. Is there a battle being waged over your faith? Rejoice. It means your faith is genuine. It means you're acting on it. This is why the devil's opposing it. He's trying to prevent you obtaining what your faith declares is yours. He's trying to make your faith look feigned so you'll drop your claim on what God has prepared for you.

Let your response be to make a good fight of it. Determine to match every assault on your faith with fortification of it. Your fight will then be a good fight because in fighting it your faith will be made strong!


May you have tried and tested faith that will receive praise, honour and glory.

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