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Class 6: Set Free!


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Part 8: Peace for you and me

(This is part 8 of 10 parts in this class)


Jesus made peace for you and me by the blood of His cross. (Colossians 1:20.)

Peace is such a powerful word as it is used in the Bible. It means so much more than just tranquility of heart. The peace Jesus offers to mankind grants freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as the result of sin. (See The Amplified Bible - Matthew 10:13)


How has He offered us this peace? By redeeming us! Jesus paid the only possible price for the redemption of us all - He gave Himself for us; He offered up His own body on the cross for you and me.

Our new relationship with the Father has been made possible at the cost of Jesus' death. Jesus became the Lamb of God for us so that His blood could redeem us from all iniquity. Now we have wonderfully available to us both peace with God and the peace of God.