Part 2: Source of God's power
(This is part 2 of 7 parts in this class)
So when will this power come? Jesus told the disciples,
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
Acts 1:8 - NKJV
The Holy Spirit is the One Who brings God's power into your life. It is when the Holy Spirit comes on you that you receive His power. Apostle Paul wrote of this to Timothy, his Spirit-filled son in the Lord. Timothy was going through hard times and Paul wrote encouraging him,
For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 - NKJV
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of power and of love and a sound mind. When the Holy Spirit comes into your life He shuts off the fountain of fear that was there. In its place He causes love - God's love - to flood through your heart and God's power to surge through your life. (Romans 5:5.)
As believers we are to receive the Holy Spirit. We are to receive the Holy Spirit and allow Him to fill our lives; in doing this God's mighty power is made constantly available in us.
We are to live as Christians in the power that God's Spirit provides. In living like this wonderful changes take place for us and those around us. So much so that it sets us talking about our Saviour not only wherever we are but also wherever we go. You and I become witnesses to Him because of His power and it is in His power that we witness.
Welcome to Stage Three of "High Impact Christianity". Its title is "A living relationship with God". In this stage of the Bible Study you will find classes to help you build your appreciation of and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The classes are in a progressive order. However, it is possible to study each class independently of the others.
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