Part 6: Presence and power of the Spirit of God
(This is part 6 of 7 parts in this class)
Teaching is not the only part the Holy Spirit plays in a believer's life when he or she is Spirit-filled. The Holy Spirit will be to you all that Jesus was to the disciples while He was present with them.
The Holy Spirit will comfort you, counsel you, help you, intercede for you, strengthen you, be on standby for you and be an advocate for you. The Holy Spirit will be available to keep you in divine health. (Romans 8:11.) The Holy Spirit will be available to run off the devil and any other enemy. (Matthew 12:28; Isaiah 59:19.)
As Jesus came to restore us into a relationship with the Father so, similarly, the Holy Spirit is sent to be always present with us so that we might know the Father. He does this firstly in bringing us to the Father through the only door, Jesus. Then He stays by invitation to bring us progressively into a deeper and more intimate knowledge of the Father through a relationship based on sonship.
The Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus so that you may know the Father. Then - once you have been reconciled to the Father through Jesus - the Holy Spirit desires to stay on living in you where He can introduce you and guide you into an ever more affectionate relationship with your Heavenly Father.
Paul writes,
Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!"
Galatians 4:6 - NKJV
Welcome to Stage Three of "High Impact Christianity". Its title is "A living relationship with God". In this stage of the Bible Study you will find classes to help you build your appreciation of and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The classes are in a progressive order. However, it is possible to study each class independently of the others.
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