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Recovery from Divorce


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Part 2: Start a Recovery!


How can we recover when a divorce occurs? We're going to have to let Jesus the Son of God heal our broken or wounded hearts and bring us into a relationship with His heavenly Father who can restore all things and make them well. Jesus told us that, as the Christ, this was His ministry to us. He said,

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me, to bring good news to the poor...to send away in freedom those who have been broken by life, to announce that the year when the favour of God will be shown has come.

Luke 4:18-19 - William Barclay's translation


God knows man's nature and He seeks to have a relationship with us in spite of our weaknesses and failures. He also seeks to bless us and see us in perfect well-being in spite of everything. This is the marvel of having a God like our God - a God of love, a God of faithfulness!

God sent His Son Jesus to bring us into a new relationship (the new testament) with Himself. In this new relationship God deals with us like a loving father with a dear son or daughter. In this new relationship, God deals with us compassionately, gently and in absolute faithfulness to all that Jesus has accomplished on our behalf through His sacrifice on the cross.


People by divorce set in motion a chain of deeds or events that are outside of a flow of God's blessings. Yet, by welcoming the ministry of Jesus in our lives and also the ministry of His Holy Spirit our lives can be set free from this chain and, once again, we can see our lives returned to God's glorious intention for them - in spite of everything that has happened.

If you haven't done so already pray like this,

"Our Father in heaven I accept your Son, Jesus, as my personal Saviour and Redeemer. I ask also for your Holy Spirit to come to me and comfort me. Please heal my broken spirit and restore my life to all well-being. Please set me free from any chain of misfortune and bring me into Your blessing. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen."


If you have prayed this prayer you have entered a new relationship with God. Switch now you life to a new dependency on the prompting and leadings of His Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to both comfort you and also bring the light of God's word into your life. In dependency on the prompting and leading of the Spirit of God the Bible will come vividly alive. Your life will start over afresh with a new hope and a future.

This happened to me. Today, I am married to a wonderful, precious wife - Ruth - and we have five outstanding children. I do believe the chain of bad consequences of divorce was broken in my life and I have seen my life returned to God's glorious intention for it. I praise God for His love, mercy and abiding faithfulness.

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