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How to preach a good sermon

Previous Part

Part 2: 15 points for a good sermon

(Content of this section: List of fifteen points towards preaching a good sermon)


A good sermon has a background of prayer to it A good sermon has a God directed message for the congregation A good sermon has God's Word at the heart of it A good sermon has a message that is relevant to the hearers A good sermon awakens interest and maintains interest A good sermon has proclamation with a call to respond A good sermon handles the Word of God with the utmost reverence A good sermon opens up scripture as having something important to say today A good sermon ministers the Word of God as spirit and life to the hearers A good sermon stirs the heart and imagination but does not ignore the mind and the will A good sermon shows Christ as the answer
  • A good sermon is delivered by a preacher who has a conviction he/she has heard from God
  • A good sermon is delivered by a preacher who realises he/she is not speaking on his/her own behalf
  • A good sermon is delivered with a voice that can be heard and understood
  • A good sermon is delivered by a preacher who is visually expressive


Over the proceeding pages I will go over each point individually and expand upon it. In this way, you'll learn more of what it takes to implement and why it's important.

(This web article is a work in progress. Currently not all the points above have been covered. Please enjoy from here what has so far been covered and then re-visit this article another time for more.)

Preview of content in next part:

  • Why is it important to start sermon preparation with prayer
  • How to pray for the congregation as you start preparing a sermon
  • Giving thanks for the congregation in prayer is essential
  • How to pray for yourself as you start preparing a sermon
  • How to ask the Lord in prayer for His sermon content

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