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Breaking with the Old

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Part 11: Contrasting Dispensations

(Content of this section: Comparing a spiritual dispensation with a computer's operating system)


In order to understand how a dispensation works a comparison can be made with computers. A computer has an operating system and under that operating system computer programs run. As the New Covenant’s operating system, Jesus installed the Dispensation of Grace. As an operating system, the Dispensation of Grace has two elements to it which were not present in the Dispensation of the Law. These elements are: the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. These two elements of the new operating system took over the role played by the Law - the Levitical Law - in the old operating system. The result is that under the Dispensation of Grace, grace and the Spirit have become the way of ordering things in the life of the believer.

The Old Covenant was a treaty covenant. The New Covenant is a covenant of gift. While the New Covenant resides wholly in the Dispensation of Grace, the Old Covenant existed entirely within the Dispensation of the Law. While the New Covenant is a covenant of gift, the Old Covenant was a treaty covenant.

Preview of content in next part:

  • The form and character of the New Covenant
  • Jesus has done all that is needed for New Covenant to endure
  • The New Covenant is a covenant of gift.

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