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Decisions: a New Habit


Your old decision-making habits may be stopping you getting your directions from God. Here I show you how you can change your habits and get God's help for all the decisions you have to make.


You are going to have to change the habits of a life time! God calls you to a new habit!

What's this new habit? It's the habit of acknowledging God and getting your direction from Him instead acknowledging yourself and doing what "naturally" seems right.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 - NKJV


Saul, the first king of Israel, was led down a road of defeat by doing what came to him naturally!

Saul had a debilitating habit; he kept leaning to his own understanding. His failure to change this habit led to his failure in his assignment for God.


In contrast there was David! David found a path of success in a new habit. David made acknowledging God and asking Him for direction his habit of life. Eventually this habit brought him onto the throne of Israel and to the exaltation of his nation.


Do you want to succeed for God and your loved ones? Then get the habit David had. Like him, stop presuming things and start asking things. Start the new habit of asking things of God and not leaning to your own understanding!

Don't take a chance on what seems right to you; ask God!

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