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Class 9: Hearing From Heaven!


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Part 10: * Testimony of the Spirit's leading

(This is part 10 of 10 parts in this class)


I can illustrate for you these things I have written about hearing from Heaven with a personal testimony. I was living in South East Asia between 1979 and 1989. On one occasion I needed to travel south down from Thailand to Java in Indonesia.

I prayed and in response I heard in my heart the still, small voice of God. It was directing me definitely but lovingly to go overland to Singapore, by ferry to Tanjung Pinang - a small, Indonesian island close to Singapore - and from there on to Java.


This plan sounded fine, except for one thing - all the information I had said there was no passenger boat service from Tanjung Pinang to Java. Nevertheless, I set out by faith - not by my information - and after a long journey I arrived in Tanjung Pinang.

Almost as soon as I arrived there I was prompted to take a taxi to the fisherman's port. As I approached the port a marvellous sight greeted me - a brand new passenger ship. It was making an unpublicised trial voyage to Java. I am sure you can imagine my joy as I boarded that ship.


You can hear from Heaven too. You can have the overflow of joy that comes when you are led by God's Spirit.