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Class 5: Risen To Eternal Life


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Part 1: New name for a new creation

(This is part 1 of 9 parts in this class)


I came to Christ in the mid-Seventies. The young Christians who led me to the Lord and nurtured me in faith were radicals. They had to be. Many of the youths they were dealing with required total deliverance into completely new lives right there and then. Failing this they'd have been dragged back into the darkness by the torrent of sin they'd fallen into.


Jesus Christ was the answer - and He still is today! Not Christ confined to church buildings but Christ received into hearts making men, women and children new creations. New creations; this is what the Bible calls us when we are in Christ.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17 - NKJV


I was urged, soon after receiving Christ, to take a new name. (Back then there were radical ideas around!) Why? Because, like Paul in his conversion, I was a new creation.

It is my new creation name that I still use today. It's a name God gave me; a name I received by prophecy. Each time I hear it - think how often I hear my name each day - it reminds me of my calling in Christ, "Simon, Simon...strengthen your brethren!" It also reminds me that I died and was resurrected a new creation.