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Class 1: Living Above It All


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Part 1: God's Kingdom and His power

(This is part 1 of 9 parts in this class)


The Bible is full of great news for you and me - and a thrilling part of this great news is that God's kingdom and His power can come into our lives.

We can learn to live in the unlimited possibilities of God. We can come out from under the cramping low ceiling that this world has put over our heads.

Our Saviour Jesus was never limited by circumstances - there was no low ceiling over His head. Thousands of people sat before Jesus hungry after three days with Him in a deserted place where there were no shops to buy food. Jesus took the limited provision they did have and multiplied it to satisfy them all. (Mark 8:1-9.)

On another occasion Jesus spent the late afternoon alone in prayer. As night began to fall He could see His disciples out at sea struggling to get back to collect Him against a contrary wind. Jesus took charge of the circumstances. He stepped out onto the water and walked towards them upon the sea. (Mark 6:45-51.)