Part 10: * Testimony of the Spirit's leading
(This is part 10 of 10 parts in this class)
I can illustrate for you these things I have written about hearing from Heaven with a personal testimony. I was living in South East Asia between 1979 and 1989. On one occasion I needed to travel south down from Thailand to Java in Indonesia.
I prayed and in response I heard in my heart the still, small voice of God. It was directing me definitely but lovingly to go overland to Singapore, by ferry to Tanjung Pinang - a small, Indonesian island close to Singapore - and from there on to Java.
This plan sounded fine, except for one thing - all the information I had said there was no passenger boat service from Tanjung Pinang to Java. Nevertheless, I set out by faith - not by my information - and after a long journey I arrived in Tanjung Pinang.
Almost as soon as I arrived there I was prompted to take a taxi to the fisherman's port. As I approached the port a marvellous sight greeted me - a brand new passenger ship. It was making an unpublicised trial voyage to Java. I am sure you can imagine my joy as I boarded that ship.
You can hear from Heaven too. You can have the overflow of joy that comes when you are led by God's Spirit.
Welcome to Stage Three of "High Impact Christianity". Its title is "A living relationship with God". In this stage of the Bible Study you will find classes to help you build your appreciation of and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
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