Part 2: How God speaks
(This is part 2 of 10 parts in this class)
God speaks through visions - this is how He communicated with Peter on the roof top in Joppa. God speaks through dreams - this is how He communicated with Joseph to get him and his family out of Bethlehem. God speaks by prophecy - the fulfilment of Paul's apostolic calling began this way. (Acts 13:2)
God communicates with His people in an audible voice. When the Lord spoke to Saul on the road to Damascus it was with an audible voice that even those with him could hear. On the mount where Jesus was seen by His disciples in His glorified appearance God spoke from the light-radiant cloud in an audible voice. (Acts 9:4-7; Matthew 17:5.)
All through the Bible we read of times when God spoke audibly or times when he communicated with His people in spectacular manifestations of His power and glory. Thank God though that we don't have to wait for the spectacular to have God communicating with us. God loves to communicate with us constantly.
God delights in communicating His counsel, His wisdom and His guidance to us - His children - at any time, in any place, under any circumstance by His Spirit. God's Spirit has a variety of ways He communicates on a day to day, moment by moment basis with us, His children.
Welcome to Stage Three of "High Impact Christianity". Its title is "A living relationship with God". In this stage of the Bible Study you will find classes to help you build your appreciation of and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The classes are in a progressive order. However, it is possible to study each class independently of the others.
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